Hats life!

Thank you so much for your hat suggestions, I have really enjoyed looking at them and reading your thoughts about them. In the end I went with a loom knitted hat, inspired in part by a post I read by Kagibari ami unravelled and a forgotten find in the back of a wardrobe. 

Do you remember this?


Well if I am honest, I had forgotten about it too and seemingly abandoned it in the back of a wardrobe. 

This was my first dabble with loom knitting and on closer inspection, it was a bit holey and I could not remember what pattern I was using or where I had got up to.  So after  falling into the abyss of you tube and loosing myself for almost a whole day, I set my beating heart  upon this pattern

bicolour brioche stitch hat  by Tuteate.

loom knitted beanie hat

I unravelled the yarn from my loom, and began again… only this time I was making a beanie hat for Mr. R. 

loom knitting beanie hat


Oh! how I loved knitting and purling, even if I did have to rip it back 3 times…yes 3 times!!!! to start over and make an emergency dash to the habadashery shop when I snapped my loom pick as my tension was too tight! 

loom knitting beanie hat

When I saw those knitted stripes in perfect formation I didn’t care that my fingers hurt a little or that I had ceased all work on my Charming Harbour Blanket for my new love.

loom knitted beanie hat

I soldiered on until the end, enjoying every knit stitch and every purl stitch until I cast off and realised…

loom knitted beanie hatthis beautiful beanie would not be gracing the fair head of Mr R at all because it was just too small…

but it did fit my little birthday Robin and doesn’t he look dandy in it?

birthday robin

and just in time for the snow!




8 thoughts on “Hats life!

  1. I am just now catching up with blog reading! I was in the throws of packing for our Christmas trip when you posted this so I missed it. I’m so glad that I inspired you! The funny thing is…as I’m hemming and hawing about what to make right now I start scrolling through your blog posts and stop at this post thinking….humm…yeah…I think I’ll make a hat. This I realized that I inspired you to write this post….LOL!

    I had that same issue-ending up with a hat that was too small. I actually just got my looms a month or so before I wrote that blog post. I’ve been watching what’s her name from Loom A Hat on youtube and she made adult hats on the 36 peg loom but….either I have a big skull or my loom was different from hers because the had ended up just fitting my 10 year old niece. Way too small for me. I’m going to try the 41 peg loom. I’ll admit it looks WAY too big but the next size down is the 36 peg loom and that didn’t work for me. Which loom size do you use for adult hats?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My head is like 22 inches…21 if my hair is flat.ha. yeah I must have knitted too tight. I have heard people say look knitting is cheating….and I almost didn’t try it….they lied. It’s actually not as easy as it seems and you definitely need to build up skills to turn out nice items. Your hat looks awesome!


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