Linen cherry baby bar blanket

I have had such a lovely slow Saturday; a stark contrast from recent weekends which have been so hectic with essays and research.


I’ve played with colour ways finally deciding upon this colour way I’ve called ‘cherry stripe’.  The yarn being Drops Paris 100% cotton in:


rusty red

light old pink

dark beige

off white and

moss green


Then I hit you tube to learn a new stitch and opted for ‘linen stitch’.  It is actually a very simple double crochet (single crochet), chain stitch combo.  I like it because it hooks quickly, is economical with yardage, gives a lovely solid reversible fabric and is just perfect for my new baby blanket design…’Linen cherry baby bar blanket’.


So, that’s a sneeky peek, I’m off to hook some more.



Looking for the lovliness…

Well, I’m sorry for my noted absence, there are just two weeks left until exam and essay deadlines and to be truthful  I’m worried that one of the boys might fall into the laundry pile and never be seen again!

I’m shattered and busy, busy, busy… my mind has many yarny creations whizzing around and I really need some colour therapy, but I feel overwhelmed and hence my hook has fallen silent (temporarily).  So to keep my creative mind sane I have been looking for the lovliness that surrounds me daily… and taking photo’s…this is April.

A birthday breakfast
A birthday breakfast
elevenses with my Mom and Dad.


A heart from Mr R
A heart from Mr R
A coffee made with a whistle always reminds me of Gran
A coffee made with a whistle always reminds me of Gran
A lovely present from a friend
A lovely present from a friend
Alf in his favourite puddle...
Alf in his favourite puddle…
Rhubarb sprouting
Rhubarb sprouting
hellebore raising its head
hellebore raising its head
clematis budding
climbing clematis well…climbing!
Spring is here sort of...
Spring is here sort of…
It was warm enough yesterday for the first cuppa out in the garden
It was warm enough yesterday for the first cuppa out in the garden
but today it has been cold, so these tulips brought the spring inside
but today it has been cold, so these tulips brought the spring inside

But mostly these lovelies have been the loveliest…

the Robins xx
the Robins xx


Where did that week go!

Well where did that last week go to?  

With only about 8 waking hours left of the spring break, to cram in as much  fun as possible…I will leave you with some photo’s which capture my week.









Hope you a  had a good week


Take a little look at this…

I couldn’t help it, I know I shouldn’t have: but I have been feeling very overwhelmed with this…


For the most part I can convince myself with the romantic notion of  setting my boys a good example of being a hard working Momma at University, with striving ambition and an avid determination to follow your dreams.  But, (huge sigh and just a little teardrop!)…right now it sucks!  So you see I couldn’t help but open my birthday present a whole week early.

wp_20160403_19_25_09_proIt is helping me with my mental health as I am so busy concentrating on learning a new skill, that there is no room for anxious thoughts about essays.

WP_20160403_19_24_13_ProSeed stitch…oh yeah!


waiting…walking and a wooly dilemma…

As I have been waiting extremely patiently for the postman to bring me a yarn shaped parcel; walking has featured as a daily pass time since the weather has been so cheery.


We have stomped over fields in the sunshine,


rambled down pathways


and climbed over gates.


We have wandered through woodlands and I have admired the dappled sunshine dancing on the ground.  In the evenings I have been hooking this…


a light weight artfully simple angled scarf (designed by the very talented Tamara over at Moogly) in a 4 ply Sirdar country style yarn.  The colour is 0392….meh!  I do so dislike it when a colour just has a number and not a name.  It is a beautiful old pastel pink, which now I have started, I cant put down.


Still waiting…we have visited orchards


and  walled gardens

WP_20160330_12_39_49_Proand stumbled across these little guys (very cute indeed).


Finally, a yarn shaped parcel arrived and a dilemma.


Well, I just couldn’t resist this gorgeous wool alpaca blend in (0519) or charcoal grey.


Nor this beautiful compilation of cotton.  So, now I have the Robins nest squares to finish, my artfully simple angled scarf and new yarn screaming “hook me, hook me!”  What a fabulously fantastic woolly dilemma to be in. xxxxx